Challenges of a Long-Term Relationship

Knowing that you have a lifetime partner can be a comfort but it is also a lot of work. Relationships sour when one or both partners begin to take it all for granted.

My single friends often seem very idealistic in their longing for finding that "perfect" partner. They seem to forget what it is like to be in a long-term relationship. It isn't all sunshine and roses. Relationships take a lot of work, sacrifice and aren't always what you long for them to be.

Sharing your life with someone else means sharing the bad times as well as the good. Life is hard and often we take out our frustrations on the one we love the most. Maybe it is the unspoken feeling that that person will always be there for us that makes us take them for granted at times or unload too much of our "junk" on them.

It is great when you have the unconditional support of someone who truly loves you but it needs to go both ways. There might be days when you just don't feel like having to be the "strong" one or maybe you get tired of your partner's constant whining or discontent. There are times when you might long to be selfish but in a relationship we often have to be selfless.

Being single might be lonely but it also allows you the freedom to not have to take anyone elses' feelings into consideration. You can be selfish if you choose. You don't have to take into account another's feelings when you make choices about your life. It is all about you. There are no compromises that need to be made.

On the other side, being in a long-term relationship where you do have to consider someone elses' feelings may make life complicated at times but to know that there is a deep mutual trust and unconditional love as your foundation can be a huge comfort.

The key is to not abuse it! Yes your partner is always there for you but you must do the same.

The give and take may not always seem even but it all balances out in the end.

The keys to a good long-term relationship are mutual trust, unconditional love and honest, loving communication. It takes daily work to maintain it but in the long run it is worth the effort.

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