Simple Joys

Imagine that you are having a really crappy day...nothing seems to be going right and you are just feeling kind of hopeless. You walk into your kitchen and glance up at your refrigerator and are greeted with this character staring back down at you with his big ol' saucelike eyes.

All of a sudden what had you feeling like crap a few moments ago has disappeared as you burst out loud laughing.

Gotta love cats.

I read somewhere once that the ancient Egyptians thought of cats as gods. It is no wonder to me. They are all unique creatures and some have stronger personalities than others.

Peppy is almost 6 months old and from the minute he began to discover the world he has never failed to bring much-needed laughter into my life.

I am not a crazy cat lady by all means. Acquiring Peppy was a total accident but I have to say that I need him in my life. He is a constant reminder of the simple joys that are around me even though I sometimes get so wrapped up in the stress of daily life that I forget they are there.

People and even animals come into your life for a reason. Peppy is in my life to help me through the challenges I have been facing lately. He helps to remind me to loosen up and always, always makes me laugh.

Laughter really is the best medicine. It makes you feel good and it helps to clear my mind, re-focus and move forward.

Maybe you are not a cat lover or an animal lover at all but I highly recommend you looking for those inspirations that exist in your life that can help you to remember that simple joys surround us. Appreciate them because they will do an awful lot to help you navigate through this world.

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