It's All Small Stuff

Many of us worry needlessly. Probably it is just human nature to feel like we must be in control of our destiny. The truth is that most of the time, we do not have as much control of things around us as we would like to. When you can accept the idea that life is ever-changing, things may not always go "your" way, and the best thing that you can do is learn how to react to obstacles so that you can avoid the stress that can destroy you. Stress can kill and that is a fact. Most things are small stuff in the grand scheme of things. Once you can let go and learn how to go with the flow, you will be able to get through these obstacles without having them destroy you.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh I really need to heed these words of advice. It is true stress will kill you as it weakens your immune system and your body's defense against flu, cold or disease. I have come to the conclusion that I the problem is out of my hands then I am not going to worrry about it. Live is just too short...
