Focus on the Light

It seems like everyone is struggling today, many through no fault of their own. It is easy to feel like you are at the mercy of it all but the truth is that we have more power than we give ourselves credit for. My life has been full of ups and downs lately and I could focus my energies on the downs, but, I choose not to. I am someone who has fought depression and anxiety and yes, some of it is within my control but sometimes it is not. I know my triggers and I finally have learned how to better deal with the downs. Focus on the light. It has to be a practice. Bad habits take time to break and learning new ones take time also. You have to see the good, focus on it and then the bad doesn't seem so horrible. If you allow the bad to pull you down and take you to a place of fear; it can be tough to escape. You can find yourself in a pattern where the good things in life (yes there are many) are harder to see. You may feel like you are on the losing end of it all and really, it is just your perception of events that you cannot control. Give of yourself when you can; especially when it feels like life keeps throwing you curveballs. You will find that good things happen in return. Keep focusing on the light, even if it seems dim. The more you focus on it, it will help to lead you out of the darkness that seems to be surrounding you. I am living proof that although I may sometimes trip and even fall, I keep getting back up.

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