New Reality

With the unemployment rate still at a very high 9%, those who are long-term unemployed face the daily challenge of trying to keep hope alive. It isn't easy. One of the biggest problems an unemployed worker has (aside from not bringing home a paycheck) is keeping from falling into depression over their new reality. It is a different world out there than it was and once you accept that, you will be able to rise above it. Since 2008 when the economy made a drastic turnaround, there is no such thing as job security anymore. If you happened to escape a layoff you should consider yourself lucky but not think that you are safe. NO ONE IS SAFE! The new reality is that many employers have a ridiculous bias against those who have been unemployed. Your focus is to get around that obstacle by changing your attitude when you look for work. It is time to get creative. The time that you have spent looking for a job with no success needs to be explained. You can update your resume to include any schooling you have had, volunteer work you have done or self-employment projects. The key is to not leave a gap in employment. If you still are not getting responses to your resume, call a temporary agency. You never know where a temporary job is going to lead to. Stop thinking about a job having to be "forever". Nothing is forever. Not today. We all want to have financial and job security but it really doesn't exist. When you learn how to live your life knowing that it can be unpredicatable and you prepare for it; you will be much better off. Maybe you have learned lessons from your last job. You may have thought you would retire at that job only to be shocked into a cruel reality when you got a pink slip. With jobs being few, you may have to settle. This is why taking a temp job is ideal. If you absolutely hate the job, it is only temporary and it will be easier to get through knowing that. You may be offered a variety of positions and why not try them all? You now have the opportunity to try new things which is great. You are not stuck in a position that you didn't find fulfilling. This time around, maybe you will find the job that gives you passion. Unemployment can be depressing or it can be an opportunity for all kinds of new challenges. It is all about your attitude. The sky is the limit and if you keep that attitude you will find just what you need!

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