Keeping Secrets a.k.a. Feeding a Lie

There are some secrets that are okay to keep. You know the kind. Planning to surprise someone you love with a treat, gathering the family together for a special occasion; those are secrets that are not harmful. When someone you love insists upon living a lie, well, I for one cannot keep that kind of secret. Don't get me wrong, I am not about to "out" anyone. What you choose to do is your own personal business. I prefer to live a life that is free and clear of lies. I refuse to "feed" a lie by agreeing to go along with someone's false idea of what the truth actually is. If I love you, I am going to be honest with you. There is no other way in my book. The truth can hurt but it needs to be faced. Death is final but everything else is negotiable. Just because life didn't go your way at times doesn't mean that you should alter what really happened by living a lie. We do not always see things the same way. When some wake up dreading Mondays, others see it as a fresh new week. It is still Monday but it means different things to different people. There are some people in this world whose view of the truth is altered by their own ego, fear or lack of self-esteem. They are so hell-bent on having their way of things that they blame others for their lives, never taking responsibility for their own hand in it. They verbally attack others, most often those who lovingly try and steer them clear of their own self-destructive nature. The honest person is often the "bad" guy but in the end, it all balances out. Feeding a lie by continuing to deny reality will only come and bite you somewhere down the road. The inability to face up to whatever the real truth is in your life will eventually cause more pain than necessary. Life makes us no promises. We need to roll along and accept what comes our way, doing the best that we can to show compassion, love and honesty towards others in order to live a life that is true to who we are. No one said it would be easy. No one said it would be without pain, tears or sadness. The benefit of living to a code where you act with love even in a situation that feels hopeless will always reap rewards in the end. Sometimes it might not seem that way but ultimately, being true to oneself is the best way to be. Honesty wins over feeding lies by keeping secrets that will only cause greater harm in the end.

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