Feeding Strays

It was a summer evening and we had our front door open to enjoy the night air. As we sat watching television we heard the unmistakeable cries of a cat coming from our front porch.

Sure, I guess we could have chased the cat away but what was the harm in giving it something to eat?

Feed a stray cat once and it may be yours for life.

But if you don't feed it and chase it away, it may continue to go hungry. Is there really so much harm in feeding it?

What if the stray cat was a fellow human being. He comes to you for help and you have a choice to make- feed him or chase him away.

Does helping another person who is in need have to be like feeding a stray cat? We tend to judge why someone is down and out but what if it was you? What if you had made mistakes and then circumstances beyond your control made those choices even worse? Wouldn't you want someone to cut you a break? I am not talking about a handout; just a helping hand.

Is pointing out a door to someone a bad thing? What they choose to do after that is their choice. There doesn't need to be any further obligation. Sometimes a person needs help in finding a door and if you can give them that, shouldn't you?

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