Accepting What Is

Sometimes we get a picture of how we expect our lives to be and when all does not turn out as planned, we fight a losing battle trying to make it just so.

Often we need to just accept what "is" and just change our game plan.

When you look for the good in a bad situation it can always be found. The problem is that it still means you need to accept the way things are.

Uncertainty is often a part of life and even best-laid plans can go awry.

To think that you will wake up tomorrow and everything will be just as it was the day before is unrealistic. Tomorrow is a new day, a gift that is unknown.

Living in the present without thought of what might become is sometimes hard to do. That wanting to have control can make you unable to accept the changes that come your way.

The only thing you can control is how you react to any given situation. What you choose to do is your choice. How you feel is your choice.

Life throws us challenges that maybe we don't want at the time but they bring us to where we are supposed to be.

Lessons are all around us and if we choose to learn from them- great. You can just keep fighting, like swimming upstream, but really, isn't it easier to learn to go with the flow?

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