Passion for Writing doesn't always equal a hefty payday

Writing is like breathing to me. I need to do it. I never think anymore about negative reactions to what I post; if I get a response I am happy.

Many writers have trouble dealing with rejection but I can honestly say that I don't. If you do not like what I have written, well you just don't agree with my opinion. If you don't like my style of writing, again, this is who I am.

I wear my heart on my sleeve proudly. I write the same way. Passion, anger and the need to share fuels me to write. When I am forced to think about SEO, keywords and what will get lots of views, the creative process gets lost for me.

I have met plenty of "writers" who tell me they earn hundreds every month writing on the Internet. That is just not me.

Sure I would love to replace the paycheck I lost over 2 years ago. The problem is that I am just not that kind of "writer". I am willing to "sell out" a bit and try but often find myself thinking "what the hell am I doing?".

I taught my daughter how to start her own blog today. I hope that she will use the summer to develop an outlet for her creativity. I didn't promise her that she will make money off of her blog or that she will become widely known. I just want her to have an escape. Just like me.

I maintain several blogs because unlike successful web content writers I cannot narrow myself down to one niche. I am moody, multi-dimensional and passionate about several subjects. How could I ever limit myself to just one area?

So I wake up every day and follow the same routine. I write some uninspired short articles for the money, get fired up and do my blogs and then sometimes let it all spill out into a saved document for later. Meanwhile, I stress over June being almost over and my bills not being paid and that job at Burger King starts looking pretty good.

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