Homelessness and Ted Williams

The story of Ted Williams is a story of how people can get second chances. Ted Williams, in case you missed it, is a homeless man who after losing his way to drug and alcohol addiction, became homeless. Living on the streets, he was panhandling to get by. Clean for a few years, he was holding a sign that caught the eye of a local reporter. Ted had formerly worked in radio and has been blessed with a "God-given voice" for radio. There is no denying that he indeed does possess one of those distinctive voices that makes for a career in broadcasting.

After he was profiled, job offers flew in. Suddenly, this homeless man with the golden voice has become famous. After many years estranged from his mother, he currently is reuniting with her in New York and going over his job options.

I am happy for Ted Williams. I believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for those who fight addictions. I believe that people can heal from their addictions and turn their lives around. I know firsthand that homelessness can happen to anyone. I also know that it takes hard work to come out of homelessness.

It is overwhelming to see the response that people gave to Ted Williams. How fortunate for him to have been recognized. What about all the other homeless people who are deserving of a second chance? Why is no one coming to lend a hand to them?

All these job offers that Ted Wiliams is fielding make someone who is struggling to find work wonder what they are doing wrong. As anyone who has been unemployed longterm knows, it is tough out there.

A report that I heard this morning said if you do not have a college education and you find yourself unemployed, you are twice as likely to stay unemployed longer than someone with a degree. If you are 50 years old, worked hard all your life but failed to go to college, it is impossible to think you can start to get an education now- not when you need a job to be able to house your family. What about these people who have life experience and have worked hard? Don't they deserve a second chance?

Obama is pushing furthering your education. That is great if you have someone to support you. For the family man or woman who is nearing retirement, sudden unemployment can often mean inevitable poverty.

Encourage your children who are still young adults to go to college. If you are older, consider re-inventing yourself. Giving up is not an option.

I believe in hope with action. I believe in making goals that are realistic. Yes, you never know what can happen but if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
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